Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Delaware State University is committed to a campus environment that encompasses structural and social differences which foster a diverse and inclusive community, inclusive of race, ethnicity, age, political beliefs, sexual origin, gender identity, gender expression, family status or socioeconomic level, physical and cognitive levels of ability, religious beliefs, citizenship status, language, national origin, thinking styles, experience and education. In concert with the five DSU core values (Community, Integrity, Diversity, Scholarship and Outreach), our mission is to engage our stakeholders and perpetuate initiatives that enhance the diversity and inclusion of our campus climate; cultivate an environment that promotes inclusiveness and collaboration among students, faculty, administration and staff; and discover new avenues for discussion which can advance the overarching mission of DSU.
The Diversity & Inclusion Unit within the Office of Human Resources was established in January 2017 and has become an integral part of the University’s mission to embrace the multicultural diversity of our staff, faculty, students and visitors. As part of the unit’ s efforts, a Diversity & Inclusion Task Force has been formed to conduct a systematic review of diversity as an integral component of our mission and ultimately recommend and develop policy on how diversity should be incorporated and organized at DSU.
- What diversity looks like at DSU, define the status of diversity and inclusiveness in each college and department, and identify issues of concern among the DSU community.
- Whether faculty and staff reflect the diverse community we serve.
- Diversity and inclusion goals and measure progress.
- Diversity metrics, including campus climate surveys, town hall meetings and seminars, and disseminate results to the University community.
- Practices to foster an environment in which students and employees embrace and promote inclusion and understanding of the value of diversity as demonstrated through interactions with one another.
- Desired outcomes, utilizing the strategic goals of the University to achieve them.
- Opportunities for the external community to be engaged with our diverse campus community, including individuals, community groups, business industry and civic organizations.
- Strategic practices and procedures on how to address sensitive issues concerning diversity.
- A formal policy on diversity and inclusion focusing on best practices for colleges and universities.
- An organizational structure that will support efforts for diversity and inclusion, to include system-wide marketing and branding efforts that reflect our diverse community.
- And promote diversity initiatives (i.e. campus-wide programs, such as culture awareness week, domestic violence awareness initiatives) which are integrated into all aspects of college life, including governance, professional development, student activities and the curriculum.