Reference Guides & Forms Library
General reference guides
Agency Terms and Conditions Approval Matrix | |
Code of Federal Regulations | |
DSU’s Strategic Plan & KPIs | |
Fly America Act | When traveling using federal funds, travelers are required to use an airline that is designated as a U.S. flag carrier for every portion of the route per the Fly America Act (49 U.S.C. 40118). To determine if the flight complies with Fly America, look at the flight number on the boarding pass or flight coupon and verify that it begins with the abbreviation of the U.S. flag carrier (ex: Delta flight DL# 1234). There are very few exceptions to the Fly America Act. If you believe you meet one of the exceptions, please complete the Fly America Act Checklist for Federal Funds form (found in the Sponsored Programs’ Forms Library) and turn it into the Office of Sponsored Programs with supporting documentation for approval PRIOR to purchasing the flight. Some exceptions requiring a waiver include: when a U.S. flag carrier is not available on a particular route; when using a U.S. flag carrier would increase the number of aircraft changes outside the U.S. by 2 or more; extend travel time by 6 hours or more; or require a connecting time of 4 hours or more at an overseas interchange point. |
OMB Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) |
OSP Approvals Post Card | ![]() |
Participant Costs Definition | |
Principal Investigator’s Handbook (PI Handbook) | |
Questions and Answers ( Q & A) | Questions and Answers ( Q & A) |
Research Meeting (Slide Presentation) |
procedures & Processes
Budget Development |
Conflict of Interest Disclosure |
DSU Data Transfer and Use Request | |
How to Write and Effective Letter of Support and Cover Letter |
Institutional Fact Sheet |
Intent to Write Form |
Internal Processing Form |
Participant Cost Definition |
Proposal Checklist |
OSP Proposal Submission Process |
Supplemental Compensation | |
University Strategic Plan |
Agency Terms and Conditions Approval Matrix |
Allegations of Research Misconduct | |
Budget Management |
Change of Status on Grant Awards | |
Compliance Campaign Post Card | |
Contracts & Sub-Awards |
Data Use Agreement Approval | |
Data Management Plan (NIH) | |
Fly America Act Checklist for Federal Funds | |
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) | |
Institutional Review Board (IRB) - Human Subjects |
Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) |
Patent & Intellectual Property Policy | |
PI Handbook | |
Post-Award Meeting | |
Supplemental Compensation Policy | |
Types of Award Instrument | |
Participant and Stipend Payments |
The documents below were prepared and provided by the Office of Business and Finance. |
Time and Effort (Employee Compensation) |
Travel and Business Expense Policy |
The documents below were prepared and provided by the Office of Business and Finance. |