Excellence in Leadership Award
Deadline for applications is April 21, 2025
Easy to apply!
The Excellence in Leadership Award will be awarded during the May Commencement Exercise to a graduating master or doctoral level student who has demonstrated a commitment to Delaware State University’s Core Values of Community, Integrity, Diversity, Scholarship, and Outreach through their behavior and achievements.
Each nominee must submit a Portfolio (in order), consisting of the following. Submission must be in the form of a single PDF file. Please use www.pdfmerge.com, www.ilovepdf.com, or another document merging tool as submissions must be one document:
- The completed Excellence in Leadership Award Application
- A two-minute video explaining why the nominee deserves the award.
- Current Resume or Curriculum Vitae
- A portfolio featuring awards, certificates, achievements, and photos (limited to 5 pages of artifacts)
- Two letters of recommendation (1 from a faculty member or staff and 1 community member) Letters should highlight the following:
- Does the student collaborate well with others and inspire/empower others to act?
- Does the student manage change and transition well?
- Does the student participate in professional associations or activities that are external to the university?
- Does the student engage in student organization and scholarly community? Note: Recommenders must email letters directly to the Excellence in Leadership Award Committee Chair, Nikita Robins-Thompson, at nrobinsthompson [at] desu.edu).
Submit the combined portfolio, following the specified order, to Nikita Robins-Thompson, Excellence in Leadership Award (Graduate) Committee Chair, by the deadline of April 21, 2025.
Please note all students must be in good standing for consideration.
Applicants must also be in good judicial standing.