Assessment Office


The Assessment Office oversees a holistic assessment process at the institution. This Office works collaboratively with units to ensure that they are implementing efficient and sustainable assessment plans. This includes verifying that units are collecting data that are used to improve programs/services and enhance student learning. This Office works closely with the Information Technology and Institutional Research units to facilitate data collection and reporting. Furthermore, this Office contributes to the assessment of strategic initiatives and supports efforts to attain and maintain various accreditations. The Assessment Office serves as the primary source for assessment resources, workshops, training, and recent directives from accrediting bodies. Lastly, this Office assists units with the analysis and reporting of assessment data for the purpose of demonstrating that the institutional mission of preparing students to “become competent, productive, and contributing citizens” is being carried out.

Assessment Cycle Graphic

DSU Student Learning Goals

Delaware State University provides a wide range of experiences designed to prepare our graduates to be:

  • competent communicators;
  • effective inquirers, critical thinkers, and problem-solvers able to use appropriate quantitative and qualitative information;
  • ethical, collaborative, and productive citizens of a complex, diverse world;
  • independent learners able to integrate knowledge and technology to achieve personal and professional success.

The graduate programs also include a fifth learning goal to prepare our graduates for:

  • outreach and service.

Program Learning Goals are aligned with these Learning Goals. Course Learning Goals are aligned with the Program Learning Goals. At the graduate level, the same four university learning goals are demonstrated at a higher skill level than at the undergraduate level.

Assessment Data Collection System (ADCS) Reports

The Assessment Data Collection System (ADCS) is a homegrown custom application developed by IT representatives to facilitate student learning assessment data collection and reporting for general education rubrics. In most academic programs, these rubrics are also utilized to collect/report on student learning data for core courses in the major. Since its inception in spring 2010, this tool has allowed the Assessment Office, General Education committee, Department Chairs, and instructors to collaborate for an efficient university level assessment process that also drills down to the course and student level.  

General Education

This link includes the 5Cs, ADCS information, and mapping of the 5Cs to DSU and AAC&U learning goals. 

General Education

Assessment Plans (Academic Affairs depts. and programs)

Academic Affairs Annual Reports

Executive Summaries and Unit Initiatives for Department/Unit Annual Reports by Year 

  • 2018 (password protected - confidential data)
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021

Curriculum Maps

  • Mapping of undergraduate program student learning outcomes to university student learning goals
  • Mapping of graduate program student learning outcomes to university student learning goals
  • Mapping of program student learning outcomes to course learning outcomes
    • Spring 2022 (In Progress)

National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)

NSSE is administered every 3 years to First-Year (FY) and Senior Year (SY) students.

NSSE Response Rates and Key Reports
FY 40%
SY 34%
NSSE schools FY 25%
NSSE schools SY 23%
Snapshot Pocket Guide
FY 35%
SY 43%
NSSE schools FY 23%
NSSE schools SY 24%
Snapshot Pocket Guide
FY 24%
SY 32%
NSSE schools FY 22%
NSSE schools SY 26%
Snapshot Pocket Guide

Anthology Resources (formerly called Campus Labs)

Baseline Help Content

Outcomes Help Content

Assessment Resources

Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE)