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Emergency Alerts

The DSU Emergency Alert system enables the University to provide notification of any potential or actual emergency/threat that may exist – whether it is a weather event, an environmental mishap such as a chemical leak, a fire, a safety threat, or any other type of emergency. In the case of emergency, DSU has the capability to contact community members to inform them regarding what has transpired and what precautions are in place. The DSU Emergency Alert broadcasts messages to any and all means of contact provided; therefore, it is incumbent upon the University community to provide and update contact information as it becomes available and/or changes. 

Please read the disclaimer below and follow the login instructions to subscribe to the DSU Emergency Alert system!

Disclaimer: Any and all information requested by Delaware State University (DSU) is strictly for the purposes of the DSU Emergency Alert system. The University will not under any circumstances distribute or sell any of the information provided, unless express consent is given by the provider. The information requested will be stored internally and used to instantly alert the provider of any and all emergencies that may provide a clear and present danger. If in fact the information requested is not provided, the University will not be held liable or responsible if individual parties cannot be reached in the case of an emergency.


Students, Faculty and Staff

  1. Access the Login Page.
  2. Type in your DSU email address in the Username box and your password. *Note: if this is the first time accessing the system enter your DSU D number (*ALL UPPER CASE) as the password.
  3. Click on Login.
  4. Verify your contact information and update if necessary.
  5. If this is your first time accessing the system, change your password.
  6. Click Update to save your changes.